Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wake Up

This is a message to everyone who calls themselves a Christian. This is a call to awake from your dead and complacent American mentality, and live your life with a sense of purpose and vision. No longer can our lives consist of merely "going to church." It is time for a generation to rise up in this nation who literally becomes the church. This is a call to replace your mindless hours of television watching with time spent with the Lord, ministering to Him. This is the only way that we will be effective. It is the only way we will see our nation changed. And it is the only way we will make it in these last days. Watch this video and make a decision to WAKE UP!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqzrxLW2-Zo

Monday, March 23, 2009

Awaken (poem)

Will you ever wake up,
And open your eyes?
Can we drink of the cup,
And awaken what's inside?

Is the world crucified to you?
Have you cast off all restraint?
Will you chose to become new,
And rid of al that taints?

A call is issued forth,
For men to rise,
To carry the torch,
By which so many have died.

Love on others,
Tear off the pride,
Run the race,
Don't lag behind.

Sing a song,
A song to the Lord.
Make your prayers strong,
And boldly yield the sword.

Break off the dryness,
Shake off the dust.
Step into goodness,
A life without the crust.

Begin to do this,
Learn to trust,
Live a life of bliss,
With never a fear of rust.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tales From The Lion King

The Lord speaks to me in very mysterious ways. One morning I woke up with the song "The Circle of Life" stuck in my head. I couldn't shake it all morning and it finally dawned on me that the Lord wanted to speak to me through "The Lion King." What an unconventional way for God to speak, I mean it can't be God right? Wrong. The Lord will use anything to speak to you, even a Disney movie. The next day I finally watched the movie and I was almost in tears throughout the entire film. I was overwhelmed with a revelation of the Father's love for His bride.
One scene in particular grabbed my attention the most. In this scene, Simba, the small child of Moffasa, runs off into the dark trenches of the land... A place he was told never to go to. Well he obviously ran into some trouble. A group of hyennas cornered Simba and they began to mock him. Simba, being the young lion that he is, gained enough courage to let out a roar. The only problem was that he was little and the noise simply made his adversaries laugh all the more. They ridiculed him and told him to try it again. Simba opened his frightened mouth, but this time his father let out a roar that literally shook the mountainside. The hyennas ran off, discombobulated and scared out of their wits. Simba and his father reunited and the story continued.
The Lord pressed this scene on my heart very distinctly. He told me that we as Christians are like Simba, when trouble comes, the only thing we have to give it is some wimpy little rawr without realizing that we have a Father who is backing us up. We attmept to evade trouble on our own accord, and most of the time, we will get burnt. If we will begin to recognize who it is that we belong to and realize that whenever trouble does come our way, we serve the king of the universe and all he has to do is say a word, and all the demons of hell go scattering to the uttermost parts of the globe. Just rely on the Lord one-hundred percent, and He will be there every time to back you up!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Don't Close Your Eyes

Every morning there is a battle that goes on in my soul. A tough, war-like battle wages against me, never failing, at 7:00a.m. This battle is none other than the battle to wake up in the morning! I know I'm not the only one that struggles with getting up and getting started with your day. There are days when I hate it and I start debating on whether or not I should wake up. Most of the time I fight the urge to sleep in, but every now and then I give in and begin to slowly close my eyes, with every intent on staying awake, but no willpower to do it. The last time I gave in, I woke up at a time where it would have been impossible to get to school on time. It was too late!
The Lord began speaking to me parobollically through this. He said to warn people that when you awake out of your spiritual slumber and you are awakened with the knowledge of God, stay awake and don't give the devil any ground by shutting your eyes even for a "few minutes." Because if you do begin to flirt with the devil, let your guard down, and close your spiritual eyes for a little while, by the time you wake up, it may be to late.
So I encourage anyone who has begun to close your eyes. Wake up! Don't let the enemy beat you, fight that urge to sin, and brace yourself to be a part of the army of the Lord!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Media Revival

As of late, the Lord seems to have been stressing the importance of the media, and the role that it will play in the coming years. The media is an amazing aspect of society that has been corrupted by Satan and it's time for the church to take it back! I want to encourage everyone to explore different online resources that have been laid at our feet and bombarde them with the kingdom of heaven! Resources such as Youtube, Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Blogspot, and any other influential web program are great ways to spread the gospel set people on fire for God.
It's time to use the internet for more than pointless chat rooms, useless games, and other meaningless things that people waste their lives on, but will spend all of eternity wishing they hadn't. Now is the opportune moment where the church can begin to utilize the very thing that it has rejected for so long. It's time to take the media for Christ!